Fun Time Rental’s Move to Bass Drive Begins a Challenging New Adventure
Derek and Julia Dietrich realized a dream when they purchased the former Wheels & Sticks Family Fun Park in July at 910 Bass Drive off of Highway 1806. The former owner had closed his business several years ago and it had sat vacant. The property had a mini golf park and go-karting tracks but needed a lot of clean up after sitting idle for a few years.
The Dietrichs have been getting the property ready for a soft opening during Trader Days. The work required moving all of their rental equipment to the new location after cleaning up the jungle of weeds. Now they are busy grooming the min-golf course, repairing water lines, and remodeling the clubhouse to include 4 AXE throwing lanes. They were up to their elbows in work when FPDC Executive Director Dave Bonde, Mayor Gloria Hanson, and FPDC Office Manager Sunny Hannum visited them on Wednesday.
Previously located on 9th Avenue off Hwy 83 in Fort Pierre, Fun Time Rentals never stopped renting the usual rentals which are available now: boats, wave runners, kayaks, paddle boards, a water trampoline and lily pads available. Book online at You can also call 605-222-5995 between 9-5 to reserve your fun on the water!! Or stop by our new location at 910 W Bass Drive in Ft. Pierre
They are calling the new addition to their rentals “Fun Time Adventures,” and are looking forward to opening a Go Kart track, Mini Golf and AXE Throwing!! Bringing more fun to the community!!!
They have established a mentorship with Thunder Road in Sioux Falls who got them connected with Shaller Go-Karts. Derek had difficulty finding go karts until they were able to order 6 go karts from this company and have also found 5 more down in Florida. They plan to have 11 go carts and 18 holes of mini golf by fall and have already booked birthday parties for the end of August and September.
There will be 4 axe throwing lanes and Julia said, “We plan to form an adult and junior league much like the dart league with long term plans to participate in the “World Axe Throwing League.” Julia continued, “Derek took me axe throwing for our anniversary in 2021 in the Black Hills.” It was in April and we got stranded out there in a blizzard with 80 mile an hour winds,” added Derek.
Derek demonstrated how to hold the axe in front of your chest with thumbs together on the handle and non-dominant foot forward. He then lifted the axe over his head with elbows forward and threw it forward. It turned over in the air and landed in the 3rd ring on his second throw. Dave Bonde then attempted a throw and landed his first axe in the 4th ring.
Julia said that the axe throwing will cost $15 for half an hour and $30 for a full hour. Prices for axe throwing, min golf and go carts are on the web site for Fun Time Adventures: Also, pricing for private events and birthday parties are on that new web site.
The short term plan is to have a soft opening and a ribbon cutting Thursday, August 10, at 5:30 p.m. leading into Trader Days, Fun Time Rentals will be providing bouncy house, a bungee run and gyro for that event.
What are the long-term plans? Derek and Julia would like to have an “escape room” and/or “smash room” sometime down the road. He still has items to move over from their prior location and are in the midst of remodeling the new office building. Plans are to add onto that building and build a second building to house the go carts and act as a shop.
This new remodel of a family adventure park is a great asset to Fort Pierre and perfectly located for campers and boaters headed to the damn. Fort Pierre Development Corporation is vested to support this business and so will the communities of Pierre and Fort Pierre. Good Luck Derek & Julia Dietrich!
Two new go karts at Fun Time Adventures.